Looking back on 2017

As a confirmed plotter, I’ve always liked the idea of structuring and setting targets. Yearly targets are no exception. Without targets I run into danger of my writing being an amorphous blob of randomly generated words, bits and pieces of unconnected projects floating around like unclaimed odd socks in the tumble drier.

So for 2017 I decided to take a more grown-up approach and consider how I could realistically achieve my dream of becoming a “proper writer” and I set a stack of goals with the intention of stretching myself a bit.

As 2017 draws to a close, I’m reflecting on the goals I’d set at the start of the year and which ones I managed to achieve. It’s been a year of ups and downs – but had I achieved all my goals I would have criticised myself for setting the bar too low. But then, self criticism is something writers seem to be particularly good at. So anyway, here’s the goals I’d set this time last year…

1) Finish the book I’m currently drafting ✔️ yes! and it’s now with my agent waiting comments

2) Get a publishing contract on my first book✖️this was tough as I had a very near miss on this one plus some positive feedback from other editors on the writing. The hardest rejections to cope with are the “almost theres”

3) Finish editing book 2 following feedback ✔️ yes! And I’ll be entering it into a competition shortly.

4) Do first round of edits on book 3 following masses of feedback from more beta readers ✔️all done! I submitted this to the RNA’s NWS and the reader loved it.

5) think of titles for books 1, 2 and 3 ✔️all done!

6) Start and Finish 1st draft of the next book ✖️✔️I’m halfway through. But I also started another full-length novel and have written half of that: two halves make a whole, right?

7) flesh out plot notes for a further book idea into a proper storyboard ready for drafting next year. ✖️didn’t get round to this particular one which is a historical romance. But I’ve fleshed out plot notes for books 1 and 2 in a trilogy (contemporary dark/hot romance)

I also entered a competition in July and got great feedback from an editor who said they liked my writing style and wanted to work with me on a project. Sadly she left the publisher a few months later but she’s encouraged me to pursue the project.

So in terms of getting stuff written and having positive feedback on my writing, 2017 has been a great year even though tangible results were thin on the ground. Here’s hoping 2018 is the year I finally break through into getting published – and wishing you all a prosperous 2018.

Now to think of my goals for 2018. What are yours?


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2 thoughts on “Looking back on 2017

  • January 3, 2018 at 7:07 am

    Wow! What an amazing productive writing year, Emily – with so many projects ready to go. Keeping everything crossed that 2018 is your break through year… xx

    • January 3, 2018 at 2:16 pm

      Thanks, Rae! Hoping 2018 brings you good writing and much success xxx


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